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January Planting

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Maintenance: Organic mulch on any bare soil. Prune deciduous trees, cane berries, grapes.

It's fun - it's easy!

iGrow is a grassroots campaign to encourage Sonoma County residents to eat and grow local healthy produce.

Local gardening groups and community gardens

gardener with raised beds

Want to connect with other gardeners or find a place to garden? Find groups and gardens here.

Harvesting and sharing

plums on tree

Abundance happens! Find guidance for harvesting, gleaning and donating extra produce.

Planting guides

Give plants their best chance for success by planting the right way, at the right time.

Getting started

bean seedlings Get started growing your own fruit and vegetables. Transform your lawn into a food-growing garden.

Saving water

water faucet

Learn how to use water efficiently and effectively to grow food.

Soil care